2nd Annual Flames of War and Team Yankee Survey Results
From 10/2/2018 to 10/14/2018 we conducted an internet survey. We sent invitations to potential respondents by various means. Compare to the 2107 survey respondents, there was 44% increase in those completing the survey. Links to the the 2017 survey can be found at the bottom of this article.
Let’s dive right into this year’s feedback.
Part I: Who
Like last year, the Midwest of United States by far had the most responses. Unlike last year, every area on the survey was represented. Un Canadien Français à la maison.
No surprise. But, we know there are females who play. Maybe next year.
Middle aged folks leading the way with Millennials in a close second.
Last years survey, only 18% of those surveyed have been playing 3 or less years. This year increased to 31%. Not sure of the reason(s) for the increase, but I will take it as a good sign for the hobby.
We see Team Yankee popularity increasing with the number of tournaments submitted to Battle Rankings: 11 in the 2016-2017 season and 33 in the 2017-2018 season. I am expecting at least 50 for the new season. The new leases of Fate of a Nation and ‘Nam has also made an impact.
The gaming market is very diverse and so are FOW/TY players. Editors note – Next year, we will add video games to the selection.
Part 2: What
Compared to last year, the Italians moved up one spot and Minor Axis moved down 2. This could be a reflection on how the Mid War Book have been released.
What a difference a year make. Mid War has over taken Late War. Of course, the fact that all the FOW releases for the past 18 months have been Mid War could be the major factor.
Two items here. The first, 70% of those who play FOW also play Team Yankee. Second, the “bad” guys again lead the way for nationalities owned.
Please keep continuing supporting your local game store. Stores keep supporting your customers.
Painting is a big part of the hobby. FOW/TY players take their painting quite seriously.
Part 3: Where
Part 4: How
Not sure what to make of people use of Forces of War. Thought Mid War would be a closer to the EW/LW numbers, maybe it’s because MW force builder is still new.
Nothing like a good book.
Couple of take aways from the results.
- Looks like Battlefront’s move to Facebook might be paying off.
- Being a source of information, the category on Internet Based Blogs took a big hit with the end of WWPD.
- I wonder how the growth of the hobby is impacted with Local Game Stores not being in the know what’s going on in the FOW/TY world.
Wow. The answers are all over the map, and the top two are basically by word of mouth. I can see this questions generating some conversation.
Looks like people are embracing the cards.
You never know.
Fog of War Cards, not embraced.
Not sure how, but looks unpopular.
What a difference a year makes. Battle Plans went from least popular to by far the most popular.
Speaks for itself.
Based on the feedback, no change for the 2018-2019 season regarding a minimum number of players.
Part 5: Enough about you…
The end
Hind sight being 20/20, questions we should have asked…
- Do you look forward to Team Yankee version 2 to be more like Flames of War version 4?
- How many tournaments does your local game store(s) hold a year?
Please leave us a commit.
Thanks for everyone who participated, and thanks for reading this post. Hope you find the results as interesting as we do.
Joe Lewis
Battle Rankings Admin
Last year’s survey.
3 Replies to “2nd Annual Flames of War and Team Yankee Survey Results”
I think TY v2 will help the game alot, after v4 ot feels clunky in spots.
Our club runs 3 TY and 3 FOW events a year
With 58% of people saying they would like the breakdown of EW/MW/LW added, will we see this feature added?
I left FOW because of V4 and embraced TY because of the rules set. I am not looking forward to TY2, and have put my plans to add an East German army on indefinite hold because of it.