Joe’s Corner: AdeptiCon 2019 Wrap up with Kieth Gilmour.

Joe’s Corner: AdeptiCon 2019 Wrap up with Kieth Gilmour.

Schaumburg, IL – AdeptiCon has grown consistently over the past seventeen years, from the humble 110 person event in 2002, to the amazing 6,500 attendees AdeptiCon hosted in 2019. Over these sixteen years, AdeptiCon has been held at five different venues. They have expanded from a handful of events to well over 460 tournaments, event games, and hobby seminars covering all aspects of the miniature war gaming hobby.

Thanks to Battlefront’s Dave Griffin and Screaming Eagles out of Minneapolis, MN for hosting both Team Yankee and Flames of War Tournaments.

Being one of my must go conventions, this was my 9th.  I had the chance to played in both Tournaments. When it was all over, I had the pleasure to sit down with the Tournament Winner Keith Gilmour.

Below are the results of the both tournaments and lists from the top finishers.

Flames of War Results

1 Keith Gilmour British 105.00
2 John Cedarberg German 102.90
3 Joe Lewis Soviet 100.80
4 Jace Pippin German 98.70
5 Owen Mcgarel Soviet 96.60
6 James Best Jr. British 94.50
7 Tom Burgess British 92.40
8 Chris Fretts American 90.30
9 Nathan Krahn American 88.20
10 Mike Brenneman British 86.10
11 David Vigor Soviet 84.00
12 Christian Bach American 81.90
13 Brian Sullivan Soviet 79.80
13 Bryan Koches American 79.80
13 Chris Novak German 79.80
16 Alex Montileone German 73.50
17 John Loy Hungarian 71.40
17 Lance Mathew German 71.40
17 Zach Lambe British 71.40
20 Mark Wasko British 65.10
20 Rich Haddock German 65.10
22 Tony Domenico American 60.90
22 Chuck Hiner Soviet 60.90
24 John Dudkiewicz American 56.70
25 Alex Astreidas British 54.60
26 William Brown German 52.50
27 Will Yankausky Hungarian 50.40
28 Jim Bodine American 48.30
29 Robert Klemic German 46.20
30 Josh Perkins German 44.10
30 Michael Krahn American 44.10
32 Patrick Barkuloo Finnish 39.90
33 John Meier German 37.80
33 Roger Modderman Romanian 37.80
35 Tom Dandurand American 33.60
36 Charlie Clay Soviet 31.50
36 Chris Grau American 31.50
36 Jb Cedarberg Soviet 31.50 Best Army
36 Joel Hassler British 31.50
36 Richard Novak Soviet 31.50
36 Shawn Murri Canadian 31.50
42 Ian Gall Finnish 18.90
42 Tom Gall German 18.90
44 Jeff Barden American 14.70
45 Jake Schmidt German 12.60
46 Jacob Hower German 10.50
46 Mike Mansfield American 10.50
48 Craig Gaddis American 6.30 Best Sport
49 James Zoromski German 4.20
50 Josh Roberts American 2.10
1st Place – Keith Gilmour

2nd Place – Jack Cedarberg
3rd Place – Joe Lewis
4th Place – Jace Pippin
5th Place – Owen Garel (Part 1)
5th Place – Owen Garel (Part 2)
6th Place – James Best Jr.
7th Place – Tom Burgess
8th Place – Chris Fretts

Team Yankee Results

1 John Cedarberg East German 94.00
2 Derrick Gibson Poland 91.39
3 Tom Gall USSR 88.78
4 Alex Montileone Czechoslovakia 86.17
5 Keith Gilmour United Kingdom 83.56
5 Patrick Farrell United States 83.56
7 Joe Lewis USSR 78.33
7 John Loy United Kingdom 78.33
9 Bryan Koches United Kingdom 73.11
9 Craig Bodycote United Kingdom 73.11
9 Shawn Murri French 73.11
12 Christian Bach United States 65.28
13 Tom Burgess USSR 62.67
14 Andrew Alseth USSR 60.06
14 Jb Cedarberg West German 60.06
14 Roger Modderman East German 60.06
17 Charlie Clay Czechoslovakia 52.22
17 Robert Klemic United States 52.22
19 Chris Grau Poland 47.00
19 Julius Paala Czechoslovakia 47.00
21 Craig Gaddis United Kingdom 41.78
22 Alexander Grinberg United States 39.17
22 John Dudkiewicz United States 39.17
24 Owen McGarez Czechoslovakia 33.94
24 Paul Devolpi Czechoslovakia 33.94
24 Robert Elmer West German 33.94
27 Chuck Hiner East German 26.11 Best Painted
27 Don Gilmore USSR 26.11
27 Jason Bergunder USSR 26.11
30 Brendan Brasel United States 18.28
30 David Vigor United States 18.28
32 Brendgol Majewski East German 13.06
33 Brennan Harcus United States 10.44
33 Jason Bagley United States 10.44
35 Chris Pickelsimer United Kingdom 5.22
35 Kevin Tighe United States 5.22
Team Yankee 1st Place – Jack Cedarberg

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