Legion’s Hobbies and Games
1130 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

April 30th - Sorry folks, we only had 4 teams sign up and minimum was 8.  We are going to try again in the near future.


Four-Man Teams – Early War, 1,650 point

Have space for 20 four-man teams.

Teams will need to prepay to be added to the list. The tournament will be $160 per team. We are providing lunch both days and will have some swag for everyone! Please, one payment for the whole team from the captain/spokesperson only! Payments will be made directly to the store. To register your team, please call Legions at 412-366-3725 (Monday through Friday 11:00 to 18:00). Ask for Duncan (the store’s Events Coordinator) and he will take your credit card number and team name to reserve your spot.

Event Organizer is Tim McClelland (Email:


Saturday, June 2nd:

  • Registration and material distribution, 8:00 – 9:00
  • Round 1, 9:00 – 12:00
  • Lunch, 12:00 – 12:30
  • Round 2, 12:30 – 3:30
  • Round 3, 3:45 – 6:45

Sunday, June 3rd:

  • Store opens at 8:00
  • Round 4, 8:30 – 11:30
  • Lunch, 11:30 – 12:00
  • Round 5, 12:00 – 3:00
  • Awards, 3:00 – 3:30

Teams will start the matchup process when the round begins and start playing once the matchups are done. Games that do not reach the 6th turn due to slow play after a complaint has been registered during the game will result in a mutual loss.

Teams Restrictions:
Each member will run their own army for the entire tournament. Each team may have only one list containing a formation(s) of a given type (tank, mech, or infantry/fortified) from any given nation. An army must have its own arsenal to be considered a separate nation. Countries are considered the same if they share the same arsenal (British Commonwealth countries all count as British for example). French, Free French, and Vichy French are all considered to be the same nation despite having separate arsenals. A team may only field one list containing a desert fort.

There are some lists that can be built with an allied support formation. For instance, a British rifle company out of Blitzkrieg could take an Allied formation of French rifles. However, if he does this, the rest of the team cannot take a French formation in any of their lists (including support formations).

List Composition:
You can field more than one formation, but can only have Divisional/Corps support units from one company. See page 8 of the EW rulebook. In addition, multiple formations must follow the following rules:

  • Formations must be from the same intelligence handbook (book or PDF). Barbarossa and Barbarossa digital are considered to be the same handbook for this purpose.
  • In order to take a second company (or subsequent 3rd, 4th etc.) you must be able to take a combat unit of the second company as a support option for the first company. Your second company must contain at least one unit of that support option if there are different options. You may take a second company of the same type as the first, even if there is no option to take a combat platoon as a support.

List Submission:
Captains must submit their team’s rosters by 23:59 (EST, US) on April 30, 2017. Please do not have each individual player submit lists as this will be quite difficult to control. Lists should be e-mailed to Lists submitted must be in the form of Forces of War with the following info included:

  • Player’s name
  • Player’s team
  • Company type
  • Briefing used
  • Company name
  • Company rating (If any platoons/warriors have different ratings this should also be noted)
  • The details of each platoon, including page where it can be found, name of platoon, number of teams, types of teams, any upgrades, and rebate points in the notes.
  • Any team not submitting lists on time will be docked a Big Point. All lists will be sent to the captains once checked one week after the final lists are received.

Missions will be randomly selected and revealed to all teams at the same time once lists have been checked and verified. Missions will be drawn from the “More Missions” PDF. Annihilation and Hasty Attack will not be used.

Match Ups:
Teams will be paired randomly for the first round. We will be doing a bidding process for first round matchups to allow you to wager money to face a team you really want to play. For all other rounds, matchups will be based on overall standings. Any money raised from the bidding process will go towards price support. Table pairings will be randomly drawn.

Prior to the player match-ups in each round, each team shall secretly allocate a Battle Plan (Attack, Maneuver, or Defend) to each of their lists. This will be used to determine the attacker and defender after army pairings have been made. Teams must use at least one Attack Battle Plan, one Maneuver Battle Plan, and one Defend Battle Plan every round. Each team will be given two extra Battle Plans of each type. Only one extra Battle Plan may be used each round. Once an extra Battle Plan has been used, it must be discarded and cannot be used for the rest of the tournament. A list containing a desert fort must always have a Defend Battle Plan.

  • A list with the Attack Battle Plan will attack a list with the Maneuver or Defend Battle Plan.
  • A list with the Maneuver Battle Plan will attack a list with the Defend Battle Plan.
  • If the above rules do not determine the attacker, roll D6 and the highest number is the attacker.

The players will be matched up using the following system:

  • Team A secretly selects one if its four armies and passes the selected army to Team B. Team B does the same.
  • Team A, after viewing the army nominated by Team B in Step 1, secretly selects two armies to counter Team B’s nominated army. Both of Team A’s selected armies are passed back to Team B along with Team B’s nominated list. Team B does the same. Each team will now have two armies from Team A and two armies from Team B in their possession.
  • Team A chooses one of the two armies countered by Team B to be played against the army first nominated by team A and determines one pair, Team B does the same.
  • The army of Team A that did not get chosen by team B plays against the last army remaining in the pool of Team B. The army of Team B that did not get chosen by team A plays against the last army remaining in the pool of Team A.
  • Battle Plans are revealed for all lists.

Standings will be calculated based in the following order

  1. Each win a player gets is 1 Big Point (BP) for the team.
  2. Each Victory Point (VP) a player gets will be added up for the teams combined VPs.
  3. Opponent’s strength of schedule (BPs then VPs)
  4. Most BPs then VPs last round

Rules/Issues Resolution:
To resolve disputes, use the following escalation steps.

  1. Players should first consult the rule book and other supplementary PDFs. Go over the rule/issue step-by-step together to see if a solution can be found.
  2. If this doesn’t work, call over both team captains and have each player (if needed) explain the situation and show the relevant section in the rules. Allow the two captains to discuss to see if they can reach consensus.
  3. Call a referee. This can be either one of the official referees or one of the player/captain referees.
  4. For issues that cannot be resolved by any of the above escalations, call a panel of three referees (official or player). Explain the issue, the three referees deliberate, majority referee decision is implemented.

Source materials available:

  • Rising Sun
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Burning Empires (see below for v4 conversion notes on raiding forces)
  • Hellfire and Back (see below for a note on British Armoured Regiment)
  • Barbarossa and Barbarossa digital
  • Netherlands Infantry PDF (see below for v4 conversion notes)
  • Norwegian Infantry PDF (see below for v4 conversion notes)

V4 Conversion Rules for Burning Empires:

Interdiction raids rules:

  • If you field interdiction raids in your force, they always count towards the on-table points total.
  • Raiding forces may use the time of day rule (Burning Empires page 179) in any mission where they are the attacker and in meeting engagements.
  • The Interdictions rules in missions with and without reserves are unchanged.

Desert Fort rules:

  • Seeing and shooting – no change
  • Moving along walls and towers – teams can use cross country dash when moving along a wall or tower.
  • Scaling Walls and Towers – No change.
  • We Know You’re There – No change.
  • Bunker Buster – No change.
  • Breaking Down the Door:
    • When broken down, door requires a cross check.
    • A vehicle that attempts to break down the door suffers no ill effect, otherwise no change.
  • Bunker busters – No change.
  • Assaulting from outside the fort – Teams moving to contact enemy teams in a fort do not need to take a skill test to cross the wall, unless they are trying to contact a team more than 2” from the wall the wall (i.e. other side of wall and you can move onto it with a normal move).
  • Leaving the Fort – No change.
  • Abandoning the Fort – No change
  • Placing the fort – No change
  • Deploying your garrison – All compulsory combat platoons cannot be held in reserve and must be deployed in the fort.

Other Raiding Rules:

  • LRDG and Sahariana Special Rules:
    • Reference to mission tactics is unnecessary.
    • Reference to bogging checks becomes a reference to cross checks.
    • No other change.
  • SAS and French Special Rules:
    • Reference to mission tactics is unnecessary.
    • No other change.
  • Mitraglieri Special Rules:
    • Always defend no longer applies.
    • No other change.
  • No changes to Meharisti, Arditi and Découverte de Combat Special Rules.
  • Brandenburger Special Rules:
    • Replace “are Reconnaissance Platoons” with “have the Spearhead and Scout Special Rules”.
  • No other change.

v4 Conversion Rules for the Netherlands Infantry PDF

  • Defensive Fighting rule – delete second paragraph. No other change
  • Pre-plotted Artillery rule – When a Spotting Team successfully Ranges In an Artillery Unit with the Pre-Plotted Artillery rule on a target in the opponent’s deployment area, they may immediately roll to range in another Artillery Unit. If successful, the second Artillery Unit is treated as Ranging In on the same attempt. The LFTF clarification for Mike Target also applies.
  • Antique Artillery rule – no change
  • Ferocious Defenders – Dutch Mariniers platoons reduce the score required to pass a Motivation Test to Counterattack by -1.

v4 Conversion Rules for the Norwegian Infantry PDF

  • Ski-equipped – Norwegian infantry and man-packed guns may move at cross-country dash speed through Snow and Deep Snow.
  • Mountain Men – Norwegian Infantry and Gun teams are Mountaineers (see page 68 of the rulebook).
  • Hold the Line – Deleted
  • Lack of Grenades – Tank teams with Top Armor 1 or 2 hit by Norwegian teams in assaults may re-roll any failed Armored Saves.

British Armored Regiment

The pdf at does apply.